Long Term Goals For Haiti

Support the Children

We are working to support the children in an orphanage, and poor families living close by – ,to promote and encourage their health, wellness and success by providing food for nourishment and pathways for education from grade school through college or trade school.


We encourage and support the orphanage to become self-sustaining. By growing their own food, learning how to make bread and/or sew clothes,  they can generate income which will enable them to buy other necessities.

Support Education & Learning

We work with the minister who runs the orphanage that we support as well as a school for poor families, to identify their needs. We then, facilitate the delivery of needed resources and supplies.  Education is not free in Haiti and uniforms are mandatory. If a child’s family cannot afford one, the child cannot go to school.

We also support another plan to provide free education to poor families in a town close to where the orphanage is located.  It is a two-fold education plan to give: 1. Free skills training to poor parents, and 2. Free elementary and secondary education to poor children.

Provide Jobs

We partnered with one of the brightest translators that our founder worked with in Haiti to provide life skills and English language education during the summer and fall of 2022  to poor children, living in a town fairly close to the orphanage and school that we support but not close enough for the children and families.to attend school there. In 2023 we have started an afternoon and weekend program with ten poor families at this second location.  As the school grows, we will need to hire educated teachers to teach various subjects.